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正文翻译 翻译:龙腾 http://www.ltaa翻译:yjl0518 请注明出处Our birthday comes around alt=3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办" src="https://9bazi.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220529094253165378857358212.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办"

For those of us who have reason to not celebrate our birthday and don’t want a fuss alt=3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办" src="https://9bazi.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220529094253165378857378317.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办"

2. Avoid making special plans2.避免制定特别的计划To keep your birthday quiet, try not to make any special birthday plans involving others. In the days leading up to your birthday, friends and family might invite you out to celebrate your special day.为了让你在生日那天清净下来,尽量不要制定任何特别的生日计划。在你生日的前几天,你的朋友和家人可能会邀请你出去庆祝你的生日。Your nice friends and family might want to catch up with you alt=3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办" src="https://9bazi.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220529094253165378857320048.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办"

5. Keep people guessing5.让人们不断猜测你的生日日期Don’t mention your birthday or confirm it so as to keep it under wraps. When someone asks you when your birthday is, perhaps stare them right in the face, put alt=3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办" src="https://9bazi.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220529094254165378857441076.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办"

Do you try to avoid celebrating your birthday?你是否也在尽量避免过生日呢?

评论翻译 翻译:龙腾 http://www.ltaa翻译:yjl0518 请注明出处AnneI laughed, because I never had to avoid my birthday. The calendar took care of it for me. My birthday is three days before Christmas, and people are too busy to notice in any annoying way. It’s good that you have gotten your celebration under control.哈哈,我从来不用逃避我的生日,因为日历帮我搞定了。我的生日离诞节只有三天,人们忙得没时间注意到这些烦人的事情。所以你就可以把你的生日庆祝活动控制住了,这是件好事。BelaMy huand has a similar story with his birthday just after Christmas. 我的丈夫也差不多,他的生日就在诞节后。Mabel Kwongonyour birthday three days before Christmas! It’s that time of the year where everyone is busy making Christmas lunch and family gathering arrangements. I’ve heard about many people whose birthday falls around Christmas, that it’s celebrated along with Christmas and their Christmas gifts are their birthday gifts ?? Hope you enjoy your birthday every year ??你的生日离诞节只有三天!每年的这个时候,大家都在忙着准备诞午餐和家庭聚会。我听说很多人的生日都是在诞节前后,他们的诞礼物就是生日礼物,祝你每年生日快乐。


Mabel KwongLike you, I’m not a big party person and find a lot of nice feelings from quieter times. It is very proactive of you to organise things alt=3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办" src="https://9bazi.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220529094255165378857547048.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办"

Mabel KwongHappy belated birthday to your hubby! It must be birthday season. It sounds like he is a popular guy ?? So agree it seems people prefer celebrating other people’s birthdays and less so their own.祝你老公生日快乐!现在大家都在扎堆过生日。听起来他是个很受欢迎的人。所以我们都同意似乎人们更喜欢庆祝别人的生日,而不是自己的生日。whippetwisdomAn interesting post Mabel and I’ve never wanted a big fuss alt=3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办" src="https://9bazi.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220529094255165378857572837.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />3岁生日为什么要躲,49岁生日为什么要大办"

Mabel KwongThat’s a good observation, that children and teens are more inclined to celebrate their birthdays. Parties to them are all about fun – as you mentioned, cake, activities, gifts and so on. I guess when we grow older, for many of us birthday celebrations might be the same thing and the novelty or the ‘speciality’ of it wears off.Throwing a birthday party for a kid is hard work. As the parent, you really are a one-man show to organise the cake, venue, activities, gifts ??这是一个很好的观点,儿童和青少年更倾向于庆祝他们的生日。就像你提到的,他们的聚会都是有趣的,蛋糕,活动,礼物等等。我想长大了,对于我们中的许多人来说都是一样的,生日庆祝的新奇感或者特殊性会消失。为孩子举办生日派对是一项艰巨的工作。作为家长,你真的需要一个人去准备蛋糕、场地、活动和礼物。

以上就是与33岁生日为什么要躲相关内容,是关于happy birthday的分享。看完49岁生日为什么要大办后,希望这对大家有所帮助!